
首页 >> 展商名录 >>J >> 江阴市天马电源制造有限公司



天马电源(TMPO WER)始于1979年,是中国技术领先的电化学电源标杆企业。公司依托40年的发展和沉淀, 持续不断以研发为核心,凭借与日、韩等先进企业的全面合作优势,销售网络覆盖亚太辐射全球,建立了快速响应服务体系,国内设有多个办事处,海外设有营业所。

公司年销售额达 3亿多元。现有员工350多人,其中各类专业技术人员、高级工程师等92名, 聘请日、韩专业技术专家等 6名。公司总面积达2.5万平方米, 拥有钣金、前处理磷化线、塑喷、变压器、PCB板制造、电器安装、总装等行业内最完整的工业制造链。公司涵盖真空电镀,电镀,氧化,电泳,电解,水处理环保等行业,为客户提供包括弧电源,偏压脉冲电源,中频电源,线圈电源,直流溅射电源,同步电源,高频开关电源,高频脉冲电源等系列电源产品。公司于1989年设立市电力电子研究所并与中科院半导体研究所、西安交通大 学、华南理工大学、无锡计算机研究所等科研院校进行广泛合作。企业现拥有技术及各项发明专利39项, 先后被评为江苏省高新技术企业、江苏省中小型科技企业等称号,并设有江苏省企业研究生工作站。

TMPOWER,founded  in  1979,is a technology leading  benchmarking  enterprise  of  electrochemical power supply in china.
Relying on 40 years of development and precipitation,the company,
continuing to focus on R&D,by virtue of the advantages of comprehensive cooperation with advanced enterprises such as japan and South Korea and with sales network covering the Asia Pacific and radiating the whole world,has established a rapid response service system and set up several offices in China and business offices overseas.
The company,s annual sales reached more than 300 million yuan.At present, there are more than 350 employees,including 92 profession technicians and senior engineers and 6 professional technical experts hird from Japan and Korea.With o total area of 2500 square meters,the company has the most company industrial manufacturing chain in the industries of sheet metal, pretreatment phosphating line,plastic spray, transformer,PCB manufacturing,eleectrical installation and genenral assembly,etc.The  company,s product solutions cover electroplating ,oxidation , electrophoresis ,electrolysis ,water treatment environmental protection and other industries,providing customers with dozens of power products covering four series including synchronous,high-frequency switch ,high  frequency pulse and silicon controlled rectifier.In 1989,the company established the Municipal Power Electronics Research Institute and cooperated extensively with the semiconductor Research Institute of the China Academy of Sciences, Xi,an Jiaotong University,South China University of technology,Wuxi Computer institute and other scientific research institutions . The company now has 39 patents for technology and invention.has been awarded with the titles of high-tech enterprise in Jiangsu Province ,small and medium-sized technology enterprise in Jiangsu Province and has a graduate workstation for enterprises in Jiangsu Province.





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